Thursday 1 December 2016

Broken crayons still colour

Mansi Sharma

Recently on Facebook I came across a story of a Morocco TV anchor running a tutorial for abused women on how to hide their bruises caused by domestic violence ; she was trolled and was reprimanded as if she was supporting domestic violence in some twisted way, and it got me thinking " Is she so wrong in doing in what she did? "

After all we sane beings have a reason for doing everything , she too must have had one. I slipped into her shoes and walked a few steps and this is what I realised.

"We all have to live , survive all that life throws at us, so why not do the best we can? Why can't I do something to temporarily hide permanent marks of my painful and not so perfect life?
Why should I wear these badges of someone else's shamelessness ? I am tired of people empathising and sympathising with me.
Because that is all lip service, nobody can help  but making some sympathetic remarks gives them pleasure of being a sensitive human being . Nobody can make my life better , and why should they ? I will do it myself. And it's my choice how I decide to walk my path; beaten , battered head hanging in shame for no fault of mine or beaten , battered still head held high cause someday things will change and I want to be ready for that day."

Took off the shoes, there were a few blisters but I will proudly show them off. By no means I am declaring what was done was right or wrong . Who am I to judge what defence mechanism a person adopts to cope with the crap in their life and is courageous enough to share it with others as a possible solution to their problem .

We are taught to not to get bogged down by any situation however hard, it may be a way of showing life you strike and I will bounce back.
Just like a soldier dresses up his wounds and fights back; they too cover their wounds not only from the world but also from themselves so that they don't pity themselves while finding happiness .

May be it's a way of saying broken we may be but we still colour .............

Monday 7 September 2015

Seven things you must teach your child

Pooja S Banerjee

Nurturing a child is undoubtedly the most difficult job in the world. You need to have a lot of faith, belief, kindness, patience and values to raise a good human being. In today’s generation, there are a few things you must teach your child.

Looks don’t matter, appearances do!
In today’s world, the media has been constantly painting a picture where fair color, beautiful skin and a curvy figure will take you places. Teach your child that it is so not true. It does not matter how you look, but it will matter how you appear and behave. A pleasing personality, an engaging smile and a kind heart are few of the things that will work wonders for you. Teach your child to be charming and a good person, instead of being a good looking person.

Never say NEVER
From the very beginning, instil in your child an attitude to never give up. Enliven in your children a spirit that never dies. Life with no problems is not a life. Teach them to push themselves harder and emerge stronger in the face of adversity.
Teach your child that every hardship and struggle is an opportunity to improve their lives.

Cooking and household work is not a girl’s domain
Your daughter should know that she has to cook because she likes it and not because it’s her eventual fate. Tell her to cook so that she can manage easily when away from family and not because that’s what is expected of her. Teach your sons to cook if they love doing it and to be of use in home instead of bossing around. Teach your children that looking after home is a joint responsibility of every family member and has got nothing to do with a specific gender.

Learning arts gives a new perspective
Encourage your kid to pursue an art. They may paint, write, dance, play an instrument, sing, cook, stitch, or simply develop an innate hunger for reading, but they should learn something. Pursuing a hobby or honing an already existing talent gives meaning to life, an outlet for them to vent out emotions and a new perspective to life. Learning arts develops and enhances cognitive abilities, builds confidence and improves overall interpersonal and social skills.

Say thank you and sorry
Teach your child to be grateful for everything that is being done for him. Teach your child to accept everything as a gift including life. Teach your little girl or little boy to frequently use thank you. Those who say thank you a lot have a lively, liberal and giving spirit. Teach children to accept their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. It takes a lot of courage to admit and rectify mistakes. Teach them to be courageous and loving.

Love is not just an emotion
Teach your sons and daughters that the most important possession in life is love. The love of your parents, siblings, friends, families, soulmates and life partners is a precious thing. Love needs care, it has to be nurtured and has to be taken care of like a child. There is no type of love which can be taken for granted. Teach them to love 'love' and handle it with extreme care.

Life is the mother of all balancing games
Teach them to know how to balance life. As kids they have to balance studies, extracurriculars, fun activities and friends. As adults they have to balance work, family, emotions and self. Teach them to master this balancing act early on in their life. Make them learn time management; taking risks; develop skills; become adept at interpersonal, social skills; take care of self; be honest and disciplined; follow routines and sleep on time at night.

Make your children self-reliant, help them in developing life skills, and make them strong to face all battles of life happily with courage, convictions and faith. Above all teach them to believe in you; now and always.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Do You Think You Know Love?

Pallavi Srivastava

Love...what is love?!! Somebody asked me recently "what do you know about love", " aren't you too young to understand it".... 
Well If I aren't mature enough to comprehend it then I am also not too young for it! I have been experiencing it since childhood but by now I know what it means to me.

Love is kind: No matter how much I fought ( I still fight) and argued (I still do!) with my parents or sisters, I will always be a kid to them whom they pamper with more LOVE. Love has taught me to be kind enough to forgive others.

Love is unconditional: My family and friends love me for who I am and what I am irrespective of my boundless faults. Love has taught me me to accept people as they are.

Love is selfless: whether it was 'a beautiful dress of my sister' or 'my father's precious pen' or 'my friend's lovely earrings', I always had it before I could have actually asked for it. Love has taught me to think for others first and be selfless!!

Love is caring & sharing: my 3 year old niece has let me have a share of her chocolate and has taught me you share, you care and you love!!!

Love is trusting and understanding: my friend has let me share my weaknesses, fears with him without being worried about being betrayed. Love has taught me to trust and understand your loved ones no matter what may happen in future.

Love is a subject in which I am still growing. I have not learnt everything and there is a lot more to add to it. But at present I am happy and blessed with lovely people in my life!!! 

Wednesday 2 September 2015

When it’s Time to Say Goodbye!


What a day! I never wanted this day to come in my life. In fact I never ever dreamt of leaving this place. I always thought and believed that I am born to work at this place and will die working here. But sometimes, what we plan or think does not materialize. Life brings you to a turn where you have to follow a road not initially in your itinerary. So, today is the day, when I’m feeling miserable.
It all started 10 days back when I got an offer from a prestigious organization acknowledging my skills, expertise, experience and I was very happy about it. I drafted my resignation almost 7 days back, and every day I would read it at least 5 times to edit, to make modifications. Finally, gathered the courage and sent it today with teary eyes. I knew I was responsible for this decision and it was for my good, for my future, but then why were there tears in my eyes? I cried let my tears wash off all my emotions.
Now when I look back to that first call of interview from the consultancy for an international school looking for an administrative profile for their new location; it struck me; this was my ‘dream job’- working in the administrative department of a school. Wow! How did this happen? I trust God is with me, always, he gave whatever I deserved- in fact wished, most of the time, if not all.
And here it is- my dream job. What joy you get when you have what you wished for a long time!
And today I have to say bye to this place after almost 10 years. People say that 10 years is a pretty long time to sustain in an organisation. Ask me; I believe if you love what you do, it is not at all long. The memories of the day I first stepped in this place are still afresh in my mind.
Memories- cherished ones bind me to this place. I feel I have grown up along with the organisation. I brought up this place as my baby and felt the joy of nurturing and caring for it. And now is the time to say bye, to let the baby fly on the wings I gave to it.
But, there is always a new journey waiting for you, a new road full of dreams, learning, experiences, joys and fun.
And I always believe this poem I read in my school days-
Ek Boond-

ज्यों निकल कर बादलों की गोद से।
थी अभी एक बूँद कुछ आगे बढ़ी।।
सोचने फिर फिर यही जी में लगी।
आह क्यों घर छोड़कर मैं यों बढ़ी।।

दैव मेरे भाग्य में क्या है बढ़ा।
में बचूँगी या मिलूँगी धूल में।।
या जलूँगी गिर अंगारे पर किसी।
चू पडूँगी या कमल के फूल में।

बह गयी उस काल एक ऐसी हवा।
वह समुन्दर ओर आई अनमनी।।
एक सुन्दर सीप का मुँह था खुला।
वह उसी में जा पड़ी मोती बनी।।

लोग यों ही है झिझकते, सोचते।
जबकि उनको छोड़ना पड़ता है घर।।
किन्तु घर का छोड़ना अक्सर उन्हें।
बूँद लौं कुछ और ही देता है कर।।

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Being a full time MOM: Does it make you a lesser person?

Apoorva Singh 
It is a tough decision for every working lady to give up on her aspirations and professional ambitions to nurture a little life and become a full time, ‘stay at home’ mom. It requires confidence, courage and guts to leave a life which you have been cherishing and enter a new phase: be a full time mother. Yes, I have left my job and trust me; I am happier and a lot more enthusiastic person now. I love spending all my time with my little bundle of joy.

The bond of love!
There is no doubt that the right time to build the bond between you and your child is the first few years. Professional opportunities and money will keep knocking your door time and again, but that special bond is now or never. I wanted to sacrifice my career or rather tweak my lifestyle so that I could pamper my baby with all my love, care and efforts. Do I expect something in return? Yes, I am sure he will come to me, to share every little secret of his life and consider me a friend.  It’s a privilege and a blessing to watch your baby go up on the growth chart, milestone by milestone. Yes, at times I do feel exhausted with no energy but that one smile on my baby’s face makes all the fatigue, exhaustion and frustration worth it.

Mom’s the first teacher
I am trying to raise a happy, confident, and kind human and undoubtedly I am his first teacher. It is my responsibility, no one else’s. Studies have shown that 80% of a child’s brain develops in the initial 5 years. It is very important for a mother to play an active part in baby’s development during these first few growing up years. 

Commitment and focus?
I want to enjoy this phase; being a mother to the fullest. I am a teacher by profession and it demands 100% commitment on my part towards the young minds I educate.  I can’t spoil the future of an entire class by not being fully focused and alert. If I keep thinking about the needs, feeds, pee and poop of my baby in the classroom; how will I nurture the young brains. That is why, I am better at home. I can bet no job would have given me this satisfaction and contentment I feel right now.
Yes, I don’t go out to work but that doesn’t imply I don’t work. I am on duty 24×7 for my baby, my home and my husband. Sometimes, I let my creativity take over me and do things I love to do; for which I could never take out time earlier.
My life is more colorful and bright now and I am cherishing all the colors with equal love and zest.